Thursday, November 8, 2012

Assignment#18- Pop Culture

Right now, i am interested in video games because my boyfriend is making me game with him. We both downloaded a game called Left 4 Dead 2. This game is about going around a part of town during an apocalyps, and try to find a room that is called a safe room that will get you and you team to the next level. You have to try to kill zombies before they get to you. You have a team of four, and you have to make sure you have each others back. It's all about team work and watching yourself and your team as you travel around the town looking for the safe room.

There are a lot of types of zombies that come after you. You have the regular zombies that just run after you. You have a Hunter, who wil jump all around on buildings then jump on you and will stay on you until your team kills them. You have a spitter, who spits its tounge at you and captures you suntil your team kills it and ssets you from. You have a Tank and a Charger that look a like, they are the biggest ones, and they will chase after you and do a lot of damage to you until they are killed. You have a boomer, who is a fat zombie, that if you shoot it, it exploses and green substance on you, and you cannot see very well for a couple seconds. Then you have a Jockey that jumps on your back and makes you run away from your team, so its harder for them to kill it, and you lose more life ethat way. Last but not least, there is a witch. They are hard to find, and when you find her, or shoot her, it startles her, and she will only run to the person who startled her. She does the most damage and the fastest.

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